
Hi, I'm Matthew

I am a 20 year old graphic desginer and student of communication and multimedia design at the Amsterdam university of Applied Sciences. I design, code and program my own websites and have started this year on working on my personal style and specialising myself in front-end development.

In my work I take inspiration from Japanese artists such as Hokusai, Takashi Murakami and Masashi Kishimoto. Their unique styles and approach to art have had a profound impact on my own life and how I view design. I strive to incorporate elements of their work into my own designs.

In my free time, I enjoy playing bass, reading and painting murals. Music and art have always been a big part of my life, and I find that they help to inspire and motivate me in my work as a designer. Overall, I am a dedicated and motivated individual who is always looking to learn and grow as a designer and developer.